Performance and Rehabilitation
If you can get 1% better each day for one year, you'll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you're done
Performance & Rehabilitation
"If you can be 1% better each day for one year, you'll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you're done."
Water Treadmill
Aqua Icelander
Aqua training is strength and endurance training, without the weight of the rider. The treadmill belt can be set from a 0-10% incline for controlled uphill training. Working through water increases the range of motion of the fore and hind limbs which can help to engage their core muscles, plus the thoracic and lumber spine are under positive training during the course of the exercise. The properties of water allow for reduced weight bearing on limbs and reduced concussion, along with the benefits of the anti-inflammatory effects of chilled salt water.
Rehabilitation & Therapy Livery
Bespoke package for your horse
We can work closely with your Vet, Physio, Chiropractor, Farrier and other Equine Sports Science Professionals to create a bespoke package to suit your horse's specific needs. Our facilities include a chilled, salt water Treadmill with an incline option; TheraPlate; Activo-Med PMEF Rug and Ice Whirlpool boots. We can help with the initial time consuming therapy after injury and with the rehabilitation process of helping your horse back into work again.